Wednesday, September 22, 2010

discrapitive essay

A lost child in a weird cafe shop.In the center , you can see two men and one child. One of the men was a police officer and the other is the waiter. At the bottom of the child's chair, you can see a red bag with a stick. Behind the waiters, you can see the special board  for the orders. On the left side of the special board , you can see an old radio. Next to the radio , you can see a cabinet with a lot of pie inside it. the bar's chair's were colored in green. Finally, the child were out of the house and he wanted to go far from his home, and the police officer got him back.

The " Eu Oks Mobile Phones on Planes"

Musaed Al Ajaji
The " Eu Oks Mobile Phones on Planes"
            In the Breaking News English " Eu Oks Mobile Phones on planes", Sean Banville says the European Union has gived the permition to people to use their cell phones on board in the Eu sky's , and this is one of kind in the world. There were some people were upset about this move because they are afraid of the disturbing that will happen on board. Because of that, they told people to turn their phone on silent mode and use text messages. The Eu telecoms commissioner Vivan Reding said "I call on airlines to ensure that those who want to use this service on board do not disturb other passengers .Also she warned the airlines against charging a high cost on this service because if they do the service will not be popular around Europe. In conclusion , Europe  brings  new technology to life, and it will connect people in the sky of Europe with people on the ground.

summary of can animals think ?

In the article in FYIL " Can Animals Think ? ", Karen Blanchard says that scientists have asked this question for many years, and discovered five simple tasks animals can do. First , they discovered that chimpanzee can plan ahead , and pretend that he did not know any thing to trick the other chimpanzees . Second , they discovered a Heron can make and use a tool to get his food. Third , they discovered that a Parrot can talk and use languages that they have learned to communicate with his trainer. Fourth , thing they discovered Octopus can learn by watching other animals doing simple tasks. Finally they discovered that a Gorilla can fell in love. In conclusion, scientists discovered that animals can think and do simple tasks.

Successful Student at IECP

The steps to being a successful IECP student are divided into two parts . First, and the most important thing, is don't be late because this rule is important in the IECP is looking for.They don't want the student to be late because if he is late for any reason, he will confuse the teacher also, the student will be confused about weather to focus on the teacher or on the student who enter the class. The student will miss a lot of important information that will help him to succeed in the IECP, and if the student continue to miss class he will be forced to leave the IECP and to leave the United States of America. Secondly ,submit the home works on time, and don't be late because if you are late on any home works you will have a lot of homework gather together. Then, you will be late on all of the homework's. Finally, those are the steps to be a successful student in the IECP.      

Monday, September 13, 2010

Music Groups' Clothes

      Music groups in the U.S.A wear different types of clothing for various reasons. There are three main types of music groups. First, punk bands wear ripped clothing because they think that ripped clothing is simple for poor people , For example, they wear ripped jeans to show that they are cool people, and they make theatrical makeup because they want to be like demons .For example, they color their faces using a weird color. Second , hip-hop bands wears baggy jeans to show that they are gangsters. For example , they wear loose jeans that show their butts. Also they wear a lot of jeweler , so they can show the people that they are wealthy  like Lil Wyn wears a long gold chain . Third, grunge bands wares a stonewashed jeans because they want to relive the old fashions . For example the Nirvana band wears a weird stonewashed jeans , Also they wear baseball caps worn backward , so they can be different for other people.For example, the Pear Jam band wears the old fashion clothe . Finally those are few reasons of why music groups wear different types of clothes , and the American people are divided into those three main groups.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

page 32 Try it out

             There was a young boy who is grandmother stole watermelon from a farm. So,she told the young boy about what she was doing, but the young boy didn't love his grandmother and stole the watermelon, so he talked to his grandmother and told her to stop or he would tell the farmers about what his grandmother was doing.His grandmother didn't stop, so he went to the farmer and told them about what his grandmother doing. The farmer went to his grandmother and hit ehr then, finally, the grandmother understood the lesson and stopped doing bad things.

Try out page 50

           There are many kinds of video games that all people in different ages can enjoy. First of all, there a lot of sports games that fit all kinds of people man and women. For example, there is the soccer game FIFA , PES, and there is the basketball game NBA2K10 . There also the football game NFL. Second, there are many action games, but some of them don't fit the ages 6 through 16. Such as Mtilgear,Zelda,and Worldwarcraft. Third, you can found a lot of healthy games. For instance, the incredible games Wii sport, Wii fantastic.Finally, you can also add thousand and thousand of other incredible games.In conclusion there are a lot of useful game that all people can enjoy.